Monday, May 11, 2015

Weird Dream : Lee Pace

So I dreamed last night that Rocky, my high school friend, and I were exiting church when Lee Pace showed up and started firing a revolver at us. We ducked, but then I remembered that he and I were good friends, so I yelled at him to stop. He ran out of bullets finally and I had to calm him down, because he seemed hypnotized or high or out of it. When he finally recognized me, he felt really bad and apologized for shooting at me.  Turns out he was stressed out because he had a work project. I promised to help him and he offered to drive Rocky and me to our homes. He dropped her off first, and then on the way to my house he got stopped by the police. I lied to them and said the shooter was somebody else.  A few meters after the checkpoint, he broke down and had to pull over because he felt so guilty that he had shot at me.  Then we went back to my house and worked on Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Rejection of the Year

Just got a call today that the company who interviewed me last week has decided to go with another candidate. Yay them, I guess? It's hard not to be depressed about this, but I think I did my best and if they found someone who was a better fit, then mad props to them.

Back to the drawing board. And I am lucky and grateful to have family and friends, so I am not too terribly sad.

Also, moar time for kdramas! No, really, I am going to go get a job.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies - Favourite Things :D

So Alex and I watched the final installment of The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies last night at the AMC Santa Monica.  It was like running the last mile of a marathon. The end is in sight, and you're pretty exhausted, you just want this to be over. Also, the fire alarm went off in the last ten minutes of the movie, so we had to evacuate then come back in to catch the ending. 
Some favourite things:

Thranduil's MOOSE!  It may be the Canadian me but I was squeeing everytime the moose came on . Also, it is a pretty badass moose, hanging orcs out to dry on it's enormous rack. In fact, let's include all the steeds in the show!

Dain's Pig: 

                  Thorin's Goat (Couldn't find a photo so I linked to this instead)

And of course, who can forget Radagast the Brown's Bunny Sled:

Second thing! The eagles! Better late than never, I always say.  Although I think the Windlords may secretly be attention whores, since they like coming in AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE to save the day.  Also, they dropped A BEAR into the orc horde. How many eagles does it take to carry a bear the size of Beorn?

Three. Thranduil (Lee Pace!) Oh, he so sassy!

So... I won't say any more, and if you watched the other movies I do recommend watching it, just to get it over with,  I do agree with a lot of online opinions that they STREEEETCHED it out to three movies for a cash grab, there were so many unnecessary scenes in this one.  But, it's over. It's finally over. (Or at least until Silmarillon)

Cheers and Happy New Year!